Well hello! Long time no see. It's high time I make up for lost time on here.
My last report was the beginning of 2019, with some nice browns from the east and some really nice cutthroat from Joe's Valley. That year did not suck! As well as it started, I made sure to fish hard and wander all over the state.
This will mostly be a long photo reel, but I'll chime in occasionally and add some narration.
A slot buster from Strawberry was the next noteworthy fish of 2019, after my trip to Joe's.

Next up was a westward trip to wet my tube.

Big Sandwash provided some scenery just as the ice was coming off, but not much else.

Then I had a float in late April with a buddy we all know, BG1:

He was able to fish a spot that he'd never messed with and caught himself a pretty good brookie in the process. We both got to try a new water body after that, where I found a really nice rainbow hiding in a pipe, under a road. Gotta love those culvert creepers.

Quite the surprise.
Early May brought on a solo trip where I floated a little bit and also pounded some beaver ponds. Throughout the day, I found some healthy brookies and some really pretty beaver pond fish.

This one was exceptionally beautiful. The pond holds cutthroat and rainbows, and a few hybrids as well.

Little family trip to Red Fleet where we planned to camp but ended up fishing for a short while and taking a hike instead.

See the high point on this rock?

Some perspective:

Good stuff.
Next up was a trip to get a buddy his first tiger trout and he ended up with some pretty good ones on the day.

My own weren't bad either.

Love that place.

Another solo trip to a favorite beaver pond system for very colorful cutthroat, rainbows, and hybrids on the fly.

They're mostly small (not all), but they are some of the prettiest fish around.
It wasn't long until I was on another float with BG1, where we caught a mess of brookies. Always a great day with Dave.

Then it was back to solo status for a series of trips throughout the state. Fine scenery, crazy weather, and a few good fish.

Hail - lots of it.

A family trip to the Uintas was up next and we visited the very first Uinta lake I'd ever been to, Ruth Lake. My last trip there was with my Dad at the age of 10, so it was neat to see it through older eyes. It's a beautiful hike.

Tiny fish though.

We also took a quick hike to check on a lake that usually holds solid tiger trout and I wasn't disappointed there.

More solo roaming was in order for the next couple of weeks. Some places were found to be dead and others were very much alive and thriving.
This little puddle had some prisoners in it from the runoff that year. I have a video of that on my IG. Pretty funny. I caught a few brookies and grayling on the fly rod from it.

This little snake was interrupted having a salamander snack.

Another solo day left me exploring new (to me) territory. Having never been to Cottonwood Reservoir, I made a day of it and thoroughly trashed my Rodeo in the process. Note: The northern shoreline road is not very good. Getting down was easy, but I almost got stuck trying to get out of there.
Cool place. The fishing was pretty slow though. I caught a smallish wiper on my first cast, a bullhead awhile later, and a toad.

Next was Labor Day. Beautiful scenery and very slow fishing, but well worth the wait.
A 7lb tiger ended up in my lap after a tug of war on my fly rod. What a beast!

To date, my 2nd largest trout. Same fly as the largest too (olive Sculpinator from Fly Fish Food). That was my only fish for the day, but what a fish it was. The sunbeams kept me company along the ride home.

Soon enough, it was float time with BG1 again.

Does it get much better than solid brookies from a tube? I'm not sure it does.

I was able to go camping with my Mom and her husband Kevin, which was fun. They got a little tour of Goblin Valley and the surrounding area.

Probably my favorite campsite in the area.

Always a great time in GBV.
Another solo float to an obscure water came next. Windy day. Lots of mid-sized rainbows with one missed hog.

Got some stream action too for a short while before heading out.

October held a rare opportunity to get out with my son, who accompanied me for some shore fishing at the Berry. It was kind of breezy and cold, but he was able to help me with some camera work as I hooked into a gnarly kokanee.

I also caught a really nice cutthroat of over 5lbs.

I love to take him with me, but he doesn't really want to go very often. That may change, since our shoe size is now pretty close and he will fit into my old wading boots. I've got another tube and another pair of waders, so he might just enjoy that a bit more than the usual bank fishing he's accustomed to. I also could use a copilot. We'll see.
A late season solo trip to the high country yielded some beefy tigers. Some had some very strange dimensions.

I promise I didn't mess with this image at all:

What a freak.

Happy Fishing, Humans!