

Deer Creek Reservoir on the Tube (Fat Rainbows!)

Strawberry on the Tube

Two Trips, One Week

Bunch O' Brookies

Strawberry with Sonia

Big Tigers & Fall Colors

Brookies & Cuttrhroat with Trout Howler

Big Browns and Bows - Amazing Day

Currant Creek Reservoir on the Float Tube

Hiking In Waders (10 miles in the Uintas)

Big Brookies and Tiger Trout in the Uintas


Uinta Tiger Trout

Fun day of floating a high country lake for tiger trout and getting rained on.


Fishing The Uintas

A solid hike to a few new waters provided a day full of brookies. Fun trip!


Cutthroat & Brook Trout

A combination of two previous trips and a current trip to a place where I enjoy the company of big beautiful Bonneville cutthroat and some very healthy brookies.
Cutthroat & Brook Trout

High Country Brookies

A long drive south and a quick hike led me to some spotty fishing for healthy brookies at a beautiful natural lake, high in the mountains of Southern Utah. High Country Brookies

Loft Lake Loop

Yet another Uinta trip (3rd in so many weeks), this was another good hike with mileage. A full day's adventure left me beaten and smiling. A friendly forest creature introduced itself and the day ended up being very memorable, despite the fishing being on the slow side. Lofty Lake Loop

Big Uinta Brookies

A mean hike yielded great spoils for the effort required to float a lake in the Uintas. This was a great trip! Big Uinta Brookies

High Country Quickie

An afternoon trip to the Uintas didn't quite bear the fruit I sought, but I got to visit a couple of puddles I enjoy and had a good time anyway. High Country Quickie

Big Brookie Beatdown

A lot of nice brookies were caught this day. Big Brookie Beatdown

Lost On A Hill

A familiar hillside hosted me for a healthy stomping, but no life was found in the first lake. A plan B ended up saving the day. Lost On A Hill

Father's Day 2023

 Hey everybody! Since Blogger isn't working too well with the images I usually post, I'm switching formats. From now on, my reports will be in video form. I actually have several posts that I wrote up that never got published because the images wouldn't render or display. 

I've had a YouTube channel since 2009 and have never posted much more than quick release videos or other short clips. Starting this year though, I have begun creating actual content and I will start posting the videos here, as well as my other social media.

So here's my first video: Uintas Fishing Father's Day 2023

Some Background...


Why not go jogging, hit the gym, start a garden or whatever it is that normal humans do? What's so fascinating about these slimy little creatures that live in the water?

Fishing is a bit more to me than a hobby or a sport. It's an essential part of life that helps me connect with the Earth in ways similar to the long-practiced traditions of mankind. Wherever man has had a water source, there has been fishing.

It's only natural.

Happy Fishing, Humans.